Basic Level Football

The first step towards learning skills and playing real soccer

This is an open training for all abilities and focuses on building knowledge of skills and teaching ball mastery, games as well as informal scrimmages at the end of practice.

is more than just a great soccer program for kids age 3.5-6 years old. It is a balanced, creative and a specialized approach to coaching that will have a long lasting impact on your child that will surpass the soccer field. Our classes are focused and designed to promote your child’s overall growth and development while introducing the world of soccer. Our coaches are trained to maintain the attention of the kids while engaging in high energy soccer games. The overall results of our program is an increase in the child’s confidence, physical skills, coordination and soccer knowledge!
Players train alongside each other. Attention spans are short at this age and the focus is on enjoyment, physical activity and learning to dribble a soccer ball in a non pressured environment.

Fußballschule | Kinder | München | hentcho