Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Vision

AS. Hentcho Football School was established in 2009 by Alex Hentcho with a vision to provide programs to various ages groups looking to play soccer at the highest levels. Today, Hentcho Football School’s programing looks to develop the full athlete by providing a combination of technical training, sports performance, nutrition and mental skill development.
Our staff consists of highly trained professionals, many of whom have been recipients of prestigious awards and possess national soccer licensing. The combination of our staff’s education, training and coaching backgrounds, allows us to provide our clients with a more effective program which ultimately leads to a healthier, faster, stronger, and high-performing athlete.


Our programs are strategically designed to help every player develop to their unique elite status. Our coaching staff excels at helping players learn skills they will use on the soccer field and then take with them off the field and apply to various aspects of life. Skills that develop their soccer playing ability, sense of teamwork, dedication, and responsibility.


Age Relevant Coaching.

Hentcho Football School provides in-town programs and coaching for players from ages 5-21 years old. Each age group is supported by qualified coaches with appropriate curriculums at each level.

Skill Dependent Programming.

Hentcho Football School also recognizes that at certain age points there are varying levels of skills that need to be catered for. For this we provide programs which cover a broad range of soccer interest and commitments from Recreational/Fun programs to high level Elite/Competitive training.

Program Structure

Each season provides differing environments for young soccer players, from sweltering Summers to freezing Winters. Our program runs year-round, through the traditional “soccer season” and winter season. In addition to our focus on individual creativity, our football school also promotes the importance of soccer as a team sport.